HPI Midwest Challenge: Chicago

HPI Midwest Challenge: Chicago

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See movie of track layout for truck and rally exhibition classes.
Download tracklayout.mpg
(right click and "save target / link as").

HPI's Official Race Report

The entire concours challenge can be seen here: concours


Here is Rockette decked out (you can enlarge the image by clicking).



Here she is in action.

We have lift-off.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we request that you put your trays and seats into the upright position.

You can download the image in 1024 x 768 by clicking above (I am in the background wearing the orange hat).

Here is a rally catching air before the jump.

This Subaru was quite the jumper, after lots of waiting its jumps had crowd appeal.


If you took pictures of my NMT during the HPI Challenge then please e-mail kedar